2025 Spring Ringette



U12 - U16 Silver and U14 Gold Dates

April 13, 27

May 4, 11, 25

June 1, 8

U16/U19 Gold Dates

April 13,

*April 27th Blocked for RAB Cup

May 4, 11, 25

June 1,15, 22

U21+ Dates TBD


Time: 3:00- 8:00pm

Expect that younger age divisions will play earlier times and older age divisions will be later times

There may be slight changes to times/dates



Location: Winsport (B and D)

Cost:  Skater $450+admin fee+ GST

            Register Today for only $50

          GOALIES $50

Early Bird pricing of 10% OFF in effect until November 14th $405 + admin fee +GST

** FREE Impact Lululemon Shirt if registered before Dec 31st, 2024


Included: Pro Style Jersey 

                Shot Clocks


                Impact Coaches - Caley Mineault, Marla Wheeler, Erin Ung, Mia Hemstreet, Rachael McKerracher

                TeamSnap Provided - Easy access to all your games



** Minimum of 2 teams per division

     Teams must include 15 skaters and 1 goalie (goalies please contact us for registration)

     Teams will be built to ensure parity

     1 Friend request will be considered for U12 Divisions only (Friend requests must be mutual)

     U12 players should expect to rotate positions except Goalie

     U14-U19 Players MUST select 2 DIFFERENT positions



U12 Silver (2014/2015) Open to B/C and U103 Players

2 teams Players MUST have played FULL ice Ringette to register.

13 Skater Spots Available


U14 Silver (2012/2013) Open to B and C players 

2 Teams

7 Skater and 1 Goalie Spot Available


U14 Gold (2012/2013) Open to U14AA and U14A players or top U12A players** advance registration for AA players

2 Teams



U16 Silver (2010/2011) Open to A and B players (adding overaged 2009 C players)

2 Teams



U16 Gold (2010/2011) Open to U14/U16AA and U16A players ** Advance registration for AA players

4 teams 

1 Centre

4 Defence 

2 Goalie Spots Available


U19 Gold (2007/2008/2009)) Open to U16/U19AA and U19A players ** advance registration for AA players

4 Teams



**NEW in Spring 2025

U21 Gold Division 

Open for registration (please contact for password)

Bare Bones Registration

-No Jersey

-No Shirt

-No Coaching

-Ref will be supplied

-Time Clock Operator

-Lots of FUN

Cost: $300 +GST +admin fee (Early Bird Registration in effect until November 14th)

Register Today for ONLY $50



** Teams will be formed after February 15th. If your player is registered after February 15th, we will not guarantee a friend request or requested Jersey size.


Refund/Cancelation Policy:

A minimum $45 admin fee will be retained for ALL cancelations or transfers. Please ensure you have read and are aware of the cancelation policy.


Summer programs - NO refunds after May 31st.  

Summer programs - A minimum of $75 admin will be retained for any cancelations from Full Day Camps.

Spring Ringette - No Cancellations after February 15th


Registrants need to be aware that potential changes to times, dates and location may occur due to facility disruptions. Programs may be slightly altered or adjusted to ensure the program runs smoothly. This may involve combining groups. You will be notified if any of these situations arise.


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